Move Improve! What it means to us, what it could mean to you.

Move, Improve! What it means to us, what it could mean to you.
Jeff Aker CSCS
These two words have been a big part of Josh, Martyn and I over the past fifteen months. They have encompassed everything that we have put into The ChangeLink project. It is a phrase that defines what we believe in and it is synonymous with everything that we have put into the app. The phrase Move Improve started out as a catchy tag line for us when developing both our app as well as The ChangeLink project as a whole. What started as a catchy name has evolved into a statement with substantial meaning and the potential to change a lot of lives.
I have spent the past five years working with Josh and Martyn and it is fair to say that collectively we have had a huge impact on a lot of people’s lives. We have been able to evolve individually, learn similar lessons, face similar challenges, and share some success stories.  These stories range from some general image changes to stories that involve incredible physical, emotional, and medical gains that have brought a feeling of fulfillment which words cannot describe. What these stories have in common, is that each individual story of change began with movement.
We hear it time in and time out, exercise is good for you. Move Improve is a result of understanding exactly how good it is for you. While movement is a small piece of an integrative wellness puzzle, we look at it as the biggest catalyst in bringing wellness, balance, and appreciation to ourselves. I personally can say that it was what sparked my fascination in health and wellness both as a profession as well as for my own benefit.  For myself and the success stories that I have witnessed over the years, seeing and feeling the benefits of exercise evolved into something greater. What starts off as an appreciation of what exercise can do for the body and mind evolves into a greater desire for improvement in the other aspects of wellness. The desire for improvement soon evolves into other key factors of wellness. Nutrition becomes a greater priority. Sleep, stress, balance, emotional wellbeing, education all become more integrated as a result of exercise. As the straight line of improvement grows, the desire to improve also evolves.
The statement Move Improve resonates with me as I reflect on it. My time in the gym has given me the chance to experience the true benefits of exercise. This experience has completely changed the outlook that I have on my physical self as a whole. Nutrition has become one big experiment to find out what will keep me at my best. It has taught me about balance, time and stress management, it has taught me about discipline and stepping outside my comfort zone. Ultimately, the statement Move Improve has directed me to a career where exercise has taught me the essentials of professionalism, building relationships, as well as improving myself on a career level as well as a personal level.
For Josh, Martyn, and I this has led to some incredible experiences. We have witnessed the results that the statement Move Improve is capable of. We have been able to see people use their bodies in ways they would have no longer and sometimes had never thought possible. We have seen incredible physical, emotional, and medical changes occur as a result of adapting a Move Improve mentality. We have seen it spark positive outlook, we have seen it spark creativity, we have seen it improve lives, and in some cases we have seen it save lives.
While Move Improve has been the signature of The ChangeLink project, it is the mentality behind Move Improve that has created it. It has taught us the importance of integration, and education in everything that we developed whether it is our ChangeLink TV series, our writing such as the Lifestyle Guide, The Move Improve Action Plan, our articles, our speaking topics, and what we can bring to the gym. It has also been the driving force behind our biggest accomplishment which has been developing our Move Improve fitness app. What has been put into that app is what has been the recipe for success for both ourselves, as well as the stories that we have encountered.  While the app is an exercise tool, we believe that it has the capability to spark improvement well beyond the way that you move, look, and feel. It is a product of the stories above and the catalyst, as well as the centerpiece of The ChangeLink project as a whole.
If you are reading this article I would personally like to invite you, your friends, your  family, and your colleagues  to embrace everything that we are putting into, ChangeLink TV, our writing and of course the Move Improve app. On a larger scale, we would like to invite you to embrace the Move Improve mentality as a whole as it will be your biggest asset in becoming the best you can possibly be.
Move, Improve,