Striking Style

I catch myself answering questions regarding my training style more and more these days whether it be trainers or gym goers. It is something that I definitely welcome and will gladly explain my rationale behind any particular movement that I implement. However explaining how my style as a whole came to fruition poses a bit more of a challenge.

Style to me is where the art of personal training is meant to work in harmony with the science and it truly is the foundation of your identity as a personal trainer. It represents your individuality and beliefs as a trainer and ultimately reflects the population that you work with.

When I first started, this was a difficult concept to grasp as I was surrounded by numerous trainers each with their own methods. Not to mention this isn't exactly something that really can be taught in a classroom setting of a certifying body. Your style is not a part of your hard wiring the moment you step on the gym floor and begin training. It is something that you need to establish on your own.

Be The Stylish One Of The Group

For me, I can say that I have spent a fair bit of time in the gym over the past number of years and feel that it is something that I am becoming more comfortable in my own skin when it comes to what I implement. However, it took some time and it is something that I will continue to polish for a long time to come.

What I can say about training style is that should come about as a result of a lot of self discovery and self revelation before being practiced as a result of self proclamation. In order for that to happen I have to look at a number of factors that have influenced me and the direction that I have taken with the way that I train.


Education is beyond important, but when it comes to developing your skill set when it comes to observation, listening, and judgement. Tough to get these out of a text book so get in the gym and do what you can do to just start training people. Not to mention if you want to be busy it would be in your best interest to make your presence felt on the gym floor.

Take In As Much Education As Possible

I have a lot of pride in what I do and my education means a lot (I am currently writing this from Indianapolis as a result of continuing ed). The more information that you can accumulate through reading, listening, watching, and feeling the more tools that you have in your toolbox. I believe in the pursuit of being a specialist vs. being a generalist but at the same time I believe that learning from a large platform of methods will certainly help you immensely when it comes to finding what it is that you believe in as a trainer.

Observe And Address Common Itches That Need to Be Scratched

I can say that my style doesn't suit everyone but I can also say that there are some profound commonalities found within some profound differences in desired outcomes. A story of mine that I often allude to is an NHL linesman that I have trained over the past number of years. The guy is 6'10 and travels a lot during the season so of course he falls victim to something that we are all guilty of. We are on our asses too much. It has been a pleasure training him and he has seen success as a result of my style. Not just from training him to keep up with NHL players but training him like a 6'10 man who flies economy and drives mid size rentals for six to eight months of the year.

Listen To Your People

This should be at the top of your list when it comes to style. No matter how much you study and no matter how much time that you spend in the trenches nothing will build your style like listening to the people that you work with. They are the judge and jury when it comes to what works and what doesn't. The happier you can keep them, the more validity you accumulate in what you are doing and nothing portrays style better than people other than you appreciating what you are doing.

That's it for me as it is back to the classroom for the day. Once again I am beyond grateful to be here in Indianapolis to take in some great information from the minds of guys like Mike Robertson, Lee Taft, Dan John, Bill Hartman, Pat Rigsby, and Chris Mohr. A brilliant group of guys and each masters of their own style.

Move Improve,
