Another Dimension

There are plenty of ways to mix things up in the weight room to keep it interesting. Whether it be altering rep and set ranges, the amount of resistance, the tempo, or the rest intervals. One often overlooked component of resistance training I can say I am becoming a bigger and bigger fan of is the dimension of exercise. When talking strength and resistance training the common names that surface are the squatting, lunging, deadlifting, and pressing. I cannot argue with the fact that they are extremely effective and I do use them regularly but I can say that I have stepped outside the box a little with some of the fundamentals. If there is one thing that has changed my outlook on resistance training is that movement is universal and even minor changes in positioning can provide an endless list of outcomes. 

This new outlook on lifting has provided shown some great results for both myself as well as the people that I work with for a number of reasons.


  • Lengthens and contracts muscles at multiple angles
  • Improves mobility of the ankle, hip, and thoracic spine
  • Improves overall stability while the body is in motion
  • Improves overall body awareness
  • Applying different joint angles can be made more specific in order to restore muscle balance for an individual
  • Brings a different stress to the body which leads to a different response.

While the list can be limitless, here are some of my favorites that I have been using.


Shoulder Press With Rotation

Great way to combine lateral hip mobility and core stability while the body is in motion. It also allows you to press at a different angle.

Side Lunge

Another great way of changing angles of a fundamental movement to mobilize the hip, lengthen the adductors on the trailing leg, enforce an upright posture, as well as bring movement through the t spine.


Brings length to the back and lateral lines of the planted leg, mobilizes the hip, torso, and t spine.

These have been my big three when it comes to adding multiple angles to some of the most fundamental patterns of lifting for people who are ready for them. Keep in mind that these three exercises are only three of a potentially infinite list of variations that can be put into a workout program if you are able to have an open mind as well as an appreciation for the fundamentals.

Any questions or feedback, feel free to hit me back at

Move Improve,
